Frederick Winter

Frederick Winter
Associate Director, Capitol Archaeological Institute
Dr. Winter is an archaeologist with field experience in Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Turkey, the former Yugoslavia, and the continental U.S. and Polynesia. He is a former professor of classics and classical archaeology in the City University of New York and other higher education institutions, and a former senior program officer in the higher education programs of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the U.S. Department of Education. He was a founding member of the Archaeological Institute of America’s Committee on Professional Responsibilities, and was president of the New York Society of the AIA, the Institute’s largest local society. He has also served as director of the office of advancement at the Association of American Colleges and Universities, and director of corporate and foundation relations at Hood College. In addition with his current work with CAI, Winter is a member of the boards of the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute and the Council of American Overseas Research Centers.
Late Bronze Age Aegean and Balkan prehistory; Hellenistic Eastern Mediterranean; historical archaeology of the mid-Atlantic, with focus on northern plantation archaeology and the archaeology of enslavement; higher education administration and federal funding programs
2011 The Three Rules of Grant Getting. Dispatch: The News Magazine of the Council for Resource Development, Winter 2011, pp. 12, 19.
2005 The Archaeology of Slavery at the Van Cortlandt Plantation in the Bronx, New York (with H.A. Bankoff). The International Journal of Historical Archaeology 9:4, pp. 291-318.
1991 Who Owns the Past? Ethical Dilemmas in Contemporary Archaeology. The Explorers Journal, Vol. 69:4, pp. 128 133.
1991 The Later Aeneolithic in Southeastern Europe (with H.A. Bankoff). American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 94, pp. 175 191.
1989 Diffusion and Cultural Evolution in Iron Age Serbia (with H.A. Bankoff). T.C. Champion (ed.): Center and Periphery: Comparative Studies in Archaeology. (One World Archaeology, Volume 11. London: Unwin Hyman 1989), pp. 159 172.
1988 Phrygian Gordion in the Hellenistic Period. Source, Vol. VII:3/4, pp. 60 71.
1984 Northern Intruders in LH IIIC Greece: A View from the North (with H.A. Bankoff). Journal of Indo European Studies. Vol. XII, pp. 1 34.
1979 A House Burning in Serbia (with H.A. Bankoff). Archaeology, Vol. 32:5, pp. 8 14.
1977 An Historically Derived Model for the Dorian Invasion. E. Davis (ed.): Symposium on the Dark Ages in Greece (New York: Archaeological Institute of America), pp. 60 76.
1968 Koaie Village: The Southern Platform Complex. R. Pearson (ed.): Excavations at Lapakahi Selected Papers (Honolulu: Hawaii State Archaeological Journal 69 2), pp. 104-130.
Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania
B.A. Brooklyn College of the City University of New York