Narine Sarvazyan

Narine Sarvazyan
CAI Core Member; Professor of Pharmacology and Physiology
School: School of Medicine and Health Science
Narine Sarvazyan is Professor of Pharmacology and Physiology in The School of Medicine & Health Sciences.
- BS, Moscow State University, 1983
- MS, Moscow State University, 1986
- PhD, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine, 1991
My current research interests include stem cell graft induced arrhythmias, cellular origins of ectopic beats, cardiotoxicity of plasticizers and live visualization of radiofrequency ablation lesions.
PHYS 201 Medical Physiology (Course Director & Instructor)
BMSC 8212 Developmental Cell Biology and Systems Physiology (Course Co-Director & Instructor)
PHARM 201 Medical Pharmacology (Instructor)
PHYS 6211 Physiology for Health Sciences Students (Instructor)
PHARM 6207 Pharmacology for Health Sciences Students (Instructor)
PHAR 190 Pharmacogenomics (Instructor)
Gil DA, Swift LM, Asfour H, Muselimyan N, Mercader MA, Sarvazyan NA. Autofluorescence hyperspectral imaging of radiofrequency ablation lesions in porcine cardiac tissue. J Biophotonics. 2016 Aug 22. [Epub ahead of print]
Karabekian Z, Ding H, Stybayeva G, Ivanova I, Muselimyan N, Haque A, Toma I, Posnack NG, Revzin A, Leitenberg D, Laflamme MA, Sarvazyan N. HLA Class I Depleted hESC as a Source of Hypoimmunogenic Cells for Tissue Engineering Applications. Tissue Eng Part A. 2015 Oct;21(19-20):2559-71.
Posnack NG, Brooks D, Chandra A, Jaimes R, Sarvazyan N, Kay M. Physiological response of cardiac tissue to bisphenol A: alterations in ventricular pressure and contractility. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2015 Jul 15;309(2):H267-75.
Karabekian Z, Idrees S, Ding H, Jamshidi A, Posnack NG, Sarvazyan N. Downregulation of beta-microglobulin to diminish T-lymphocyte lysis of non-syngeneic cell sources of engineered heart tissue constructs. Biomed Mater. 2015 Mar 16;10(3):034101.
Sarvazyan N. Thinking Outside the Heart: Use of Engineered Cardiac Tissue for the Treatment of Chronic Deep Venous Insufficiency. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Feb 4;19(4):394-401.
Posnack NG, Idrees R, Ding H, Jaimes R 3rd, Stybayeva G, Karabekian Z, Laflamme MA, Sarvazyan N. Exposure to phthalates affects calcium handling and intercellular connectivity of human stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 23;10(3):e0121927.
Swift LM, Asfour H, Posnack NG, Arutunyan A, Kay MW, Sarvazyan N. Properties of blebbistatin for cardiac optical mapping and other imaging applications. Pflugers Arch. 2012 Nov;464(5):503-12.
Shiba Y, Fernandes S, Zhu WZ, Filice D, Muskheli V, Kim J, Palpant NJ, Gantz J, Moyes KW, Reinecke H, Van Biber B, Dardas T, Mignone JL, Izawa A, Hanna R, Viswanathan M, Gold JD, Kotlikoff MI, Sarvazyan N, Kay MW, Murry CE, Laflamme MA. Human ES-cell-derived cardiomyocytes electrically couple and suppress arrhythmias in injured hearts. Nature. 2012 Sep 13;489(7415):322-5.
Posnack NG, Swift LM, Kay MW, Lee NH, Sarvazyan N. Phthalate exposure changes the metabolic profile of cardiac muscle cells. Environ Health Perspect. 2012 Sep;120(9):1243-51.
hESC-Derived Cardiomyocytes Electrically Couple and Suppress Arrhythmias in Injured Hearts. Shiba Y, Fernandes S, Zhu W-Z, Filice D, Muskheli V, Kim J, Palpant NJ, Gantz J, Moyes KW, Reinecke H, Van Biber B, Dardas T, Mignone JL, Izawa A, Hanna R, Viswanathan M, Gold JD, Kotlikoff MI, Sarvazyan N, Kay KW, Murry CE, Laflamme MA. Nature (in press).
Mercader M, Swift LM, Sood S, Asfour H, Kay MW, Sarvazyan N. Use of endogenous NADH fluorescence for real-time in situ visualization of epicardial radiofrequency ablation lesions and gaps. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2012, Mar 9, Epub ahead of print.
Mercader M, Swift L, Sood S, Asfour H, Kay M, Sarvazyan N. Use of endogenous NADH fluorescence for real-time in situ visualization of epicardial radiofrequency ablation lesions and gaps. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2012 May 15;302(10):H2131-8.
Asfour H, Swift LM, Sarvazyan N, Doroslova?ki M, Kay MW. Signal decomposition of transmembrane voltage-sensitive dye fluorescence using a multiresolution wavelet analysis. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2011 Jul;58(7):2083-93.
Karabekian Z, Posnack NG, Sarvazyan N. Immunological barriers to stem-cell based cardiac repair. Stem Cell Rev. 2011 Jun;7(2):315-25.
Posnack NG, Lee NH, Brown R, Sarvazyan N. Gene expression profiling of DEHP-treated cardiomyocytes reveals potential causes of phthalate arrhythmogenicity. Toxicology. 2011 Jan 11;279(1-3):54-64.
Asfour H, Swift L, Sarvazyan N, Doroslova?ki M, Kay M. Preprocessing of fluoresced transmembrane potential signals for cardiac optical mapping. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2011;2011:227-30.
Biktashev VN, Biktasheva IV, Sarvazyan N. Evolution of spiral and scroll waves of excitation in a mathematical model of ischaemic border zone. PLoS One. 2011;6(9):e24388.
Karabekian Z, Posnack NG, Sarvazyan N. Immunological barriers to stem-cell based cardiac repair. Stem Cell Rev. 2011;7(2):315-25.
Posnack NG, Lee NH, Brown R, Sarvazyan N. Gene expression profiling of DEHP-treated cardiomyocytes reveals potential causes of phthalate arrhythmogenicity. Toxicology. 2011 Jan 11;279(1-3):54-64.